I find that I keep getting drawn in by the same type of stories lately. I was calling them domino-effect stories in my head, but the correct trope name is circular or chain stories and these are noted by how the ending leads the reader right back to where the story started.
I have two on my bookshelf now:
Mordant's Wish by Valerie Coursen is a prettily-illustrated book that I found in a donations pile somewhere. In it, a mole sees a turtle shaped cloud and makes a wish that that turtle was his friend. What do you think happens in the end? Of course there's a whole bunch in between and its quite entertaining.
The Scarecrow's Hat by Ken Brown is a beautifully illustrated book that I bought from a Friends sale. In it a chicken comes across a scarecrow who would like a new hat and knew just how to get one. Along the way she also helps a few other animals in order to achieve her goal.