I’m back in a library doing
programs and so… I’m rebooting Sort Of a Librarian! … mostly for my own
benefit. I don’t really expect anyone to read it. Anyway, I tried out a new
program and it seems to be catching on in the summer, hoping it translates well
when school starts again: Kids Reading Club. I don’t want to call it storytime,
because it is designed for school-aged kids and they seem to be turned off to
the idea of singing songs, rhymes and fingerplays usually associated with storytimes.
So far, the kids who come cover the range of toddler to older elementary, but
mostly the older kids. They end up reading the books along with me. I also stop
and do some discussions at good points. After stories, we’ll do a story related
activity that involves some interpretation of the theme. Then maybe, we’ll play
a game or do an art activity. The program goes for about an hour and a half.