Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope is a Librarian's Word, Too

Copied from Myspace blog

this is week 2 of training and i'm feeling really confident that i'm going to be a good at my job when i finally get a chance to actually do it.

so far i've come across a weary children's librarian, who still has plenty of good in her, but is really short with customers, mainly the adults. i see what she's been through with stupid customers (young and old) destroying books and other library materials, parents dropping their kids off like the library is daycare and kids acting like the children's section is the set of american gladiators.

i wonder if i will ever take on that weariness. i return to my days at borders and am trying to remember how i felt the last few months there: was i more weary of the growing corporate atmosphere/waning family feel, or was i tired of dealing with unappreciative customers?

another factoid that i've picked up recently, is that in the southern region of l.a. county, the libraries and librarians are more appreciated by their users, where as in the west region they are used, but often don't receive the necessary support or rarely hear a word of thanks from the local users. so, even though i have to drive the extra mileage to work, i think i'm going to be much happier in the south, than dealing with entitled yuppies and their brats. i should keep my mouth shut, because i may end up transferring up there one day.

i've also come across a children's librarian who is insecure. she constantly is apologizing for almost everything, from accidentally bumping into me to asking me to help her with storytime. that's what i'm there to do! why apologize? her insecurities trickle down into her work tasks, she is not confident about what she does for the kids, even though they and their parents are appreciative. i feel bad because when i came in and worked with some of the kid volunteers, they said that they would start splitting their time to come to my library so they can work with me because i'm "awesome."

i briefly met another children's librarian who was really nice, but hated doing storytime. are you serious? on a more positive note, i've seen another children's librarian lead a storytime that drew a crowd of 60 kids, most of which sat through the stories then participated in the following craft. that's pretty awesome.

i'm still really excited about this job and everything i'm going to have to do. i will be the first children's librarian assigned to the graham library in a long time, if ever. that means a lot of work carving out a space in the current milieu.

so far, when i go to work i feel uber-confident. although my language is cleaned up, i pretty much treat the kids that i've worked with so far the same as everyone else, which has always been my policy in working with people. i get to play with babies and then send them home, i get to color and come up with different arts and crafts projects, i get to sing songs and read children's books. life ain't bad.

hopefully the confidence, excitement and hope will continue into next week and beyond, when i'm finally working in my library.
unitl then...

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