Friday, November 5, 2010

The Night Before Christmas Song

I love traditions. They make me feel warm, loved and safe. So when I come up with new programs for the library I like to try and do stuff that can repeated every year. Something that the kids can look forward to and hopefully incorporate into their personal lives as they grow too old to participate. At the library I'm at they already had a couple standing traditions that I have continued since I started, but I also have begun a couple of my own: The Valentine Cookie Decorating Party, the Sidewalk Chalk Festival, the Monarch Butterfly Project and the Halloween Costume Making Workshop.
What I really would like to do is to come up with a tradition for Christmastime, but I've had to find a way to overcome the political hurdles (you can't have "Christmas" programs, they have to be "winter holiday" programs) and the fact that regular patrons are most likely out-of-town or not interested in coming to the library.
Last year I tried the Winter Reading Challenge, which I'm also going to try again this year, although participation was very low. But my big idea that I've basically been too scared to do, is a reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Today I found the song version of the poem online! I sang this in my high school concert choir and it was so much fun to sing! In fact, I might have to say that this is one of my all-time favorite songs.
Now I'm really motivated to try and build a program around it.

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