Friday, November 17, 2006

Crimes of the Literate

Copied from Myspace blog
Here's a story CBS New ran about what they're calling "Lawless Libraries."
CBS2 Lawless Libraries
As someone who is an advocate for libraries and information access, I'm surprised at this investigative report and as someone who's got a degree in public relations I guess you can say I'm involving myself in a little crisis communications. CBS has the nerve to air a story saying libraries are unsafe and that parents shouldn't let their children go to libraries alone. Well, I agree. Parents shouldn't let their children go alone anywhere, not to church, thanks to priests and other men-of-God's actions, not to daycare thanks to abusive caregivers and certainly not to school, with all these Columbine-like murderous rampages. I would advocate for children to stay locked up in their homes if it wasn't for evil-doing parents like Marybeth Tinning, Andrea Yates and Said Biyad. So what are we to do?
Here's a thought: we continue on as we have. Trudging through life, hoping things don't turn out too bad. We could do better to teach kids to recognize bad situations and how to do their best to get out of them. We can't always be there to protect them. We can't always protect ourselves. But it doesn't matter where we're at, bad things happen everywhere and to anyone.
I love how these news channels do all these crazy investigative reports scaring the public one way or another. Now they're trying to scare people away from the last real source of democracy left: Libraries. I guess we are truly in a climate of fear.