Monday, December 21, 2009

The She-DVD-Pilferer

This is Belinda Nomoustachorbeard for ZBT's Local Library News. Leading the news today is a tale of excess, denial and wonder....from the webpages of Dumb as a Blog is the story of the Iowa City Public Library's very own She-DVD-Pilferer. She checks 'em out, but doesn't bring 'em back.
Dumb as a Blog: Library Scofflaw Booked
This woman abused her library privileges to obtain 53 different titles and has yet to return them. After sending a stern letter from the library reminding her to uphold the policies she signed her name to, This should be a lesson to all library users that fine accrual does not pay. That brings us to the end of another segment of ZBT's Local Library News. Thanks for tuning in folks and remember to pay attention to the fiction between the pages and the action between the aisles!

Local Library News - A SRP Promo

here's an audio promo that me and my best friend dante recorded for the library summer reading program. i loved creating the voice of belinda nomoustachorbeard and i think it would be fun to translate her character and possibly gary fancypants into fictitional news anchors reporting on zany, but true library news.
stay tuned, folks, for your local library news!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reference Questions From Beyond: Imagination

Question: "I need a book on imagination."
Customer: a girl in the 3rd grade and her father
What They Were Really Looking For: after excavating her request (aka the reference transaction) i found out that her assignment really was to define imagination as well as how one develops it and uses it. fucking ridiculous.
this is another great example of stupid teachers handing out stupid assignments. dissecting imagination is hardly 3rd grade level work. and i would really like to see a teacher walk into the average public library and find a book that is on their reading level that would satisfy that assignment, let alone on a level that is appropriate for a 3rd grader. idiots!
What Materials Were Checked Out: Could You, Would You by Trudy White and the American Heritage Children's Dictionary for a definition of imagination.